Quality has definitely been a problem lately in terms of valuable blog info. I've gotten quite tired of blogging about the training as I'm sure reading about me sweating over my handlebars isn't exactly the most stirring thing to read with your morning coffee. Its not even that there hasn't been interesting things to blog about, I mean we're in the midst of the greatest (and often most controversial) cycling event of the year. The last few days have been heading towards the more hilly parts so it has gotten a whole lot more exciting. Very impressed with Team Colombia, their leadout train must be the wet dream of every sprinter competing for a stage win. They showed us in the Giro what their tactics were and have somehow perfected the final few kilometers.
Yesterdays epic stage was the fist of the serious climbing stages. I was at work and with no television in the office and none of the internet streams working I was forced back into the days of listening to the race through Eurosport. I must say I rather enjoyed it trying to picture the different riders grimacing as they crunched the gears. I highly recommend just listening to a stage or two. This moring I'll watch all the highlights so its not like I missed anything. I can just imagine now how Valverde, one of the race favourites and mine, dreams must have sunk faster than the titanic as the CSC machine got there groove on. Rest day today so I'll go for an extra long ride with my spare time.
I've also started building a pump track in the old vegetable garden. The soil is like clay so moulding the berms has been quite fun. Took me back to my childhood playing in the mud or damming up rivers when the rains had come.
Yesterdays epic stage was the fist of the serious climbing stages. I was at work and with no television in the office and none of the internet streams working I was forced back into the days of listening to the race through Eurosport. I must say I rather enjoyed it trying to picture the different riders grimacing as they crunched the gears. I highly recommend just listening to a stage or two. This moring I'll watch all the highlights so its not like I missed anything. I can just imagine now how Valverde, one of the race favourites and mine, dreams must have sunk faster than the titanic as the CSC machine got there groove on. Rest day today so I'll go for an extra long ride with my spare time.
I've also started building a pump track in the old vegetable garden. The soil is like clay so moulding the berms has been quite fun. Took me back to my childhood playing in the mud or damming up rivers when the rains had come.