Yet another epic day;) Sorry its April Fool's and the silliness has infected me quite badly and been jack assing around all day. Relaxed day for me but not so for our front runners. The Dolphins have arrived and took the lead early on never to look back. Their lead went up to three minutes at one stage but the chasers took up the slack again today to close the gap in the end down to just a minute and a half. Yesterdays sprint finish was repeated again this time for second by the same two teams as yesterday,
MTN Energade and
Cannondale Vredestein. However roles were reveresed today as
Kevin Evans and David George got their own back again only a second separating these two teams.
Although not as demanding as yesterday's ride, today's ride saw rolling hill's where the boys with power could show their prowess. A day without hills in this part of the country would be sacrilegious so two lovingly named hills, Heart Break 1 & 2, are thrown in for good measure. If you think that bike racing won't change you then take a look at this article. Thys Dullaart an avid vegetarian has sen his diet altered by this race to no extent. Trek seems to be keeping updated photo's on the race on their team
website, I must add that these photo's are of real quality and could be considered art. Links to the regular guys who make this race possible can be found here,
team BBB suffering from mechanical problems that we all love so much.
Velowoo also seemed to have run into problems but then they did spot an ostrich.